Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Productive Morning

After a killer run on Monday and nothing on Tuesday I needed to get back on schedule. A had the mother/son mass and breakfast this morning with F so I couldn't swim. The weather was terrible yesterday and we are dealing with cold temps and ice and snow - AGAIN! So no running today. Tomorrow is a scheduled run anyway. Core work, upper body weights and an hour on the bike. Done! I decided to do my bike work a little differently and concentrate on heart rate instead of speed or mileage. After a 10 minute warmup, I did a solid 40 minutes with my heart rate at 140 - pretty good and comfortable for me on the bike. Then a 10 minute cool down. I do really need to get the biking legs going along with the aero back. The core work is helping with the back. As always, I just need more time in the saddle.

It really helped to have sun streaming in the windows while I rode. Why not bike or run outside, you ask? Because it's 3 degrees with a -16 degree windchill. Sun doesn't always equal nice weather in the frozen north. Saturday it is supposed to reach the mid-40s (yes, still cold for many of you) and that means snow and ice melt. Yeah! Small victories.

1 comment:

NJ said...

I cannot wait for the 40's! This snow should be gone soon (and hopefully that'll be the end of all snow till late December! If there ever was a time I could enjoy being laid off, it's the spring! Guess I'll make the most of it.