Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Gave Up Oreos, But Not These

It is a grand day at the Olson home. Just when I was having Oreo withdrawal symptoms, what arrives at our door? GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! E is a Brownie and A is her troop leader so we got a ton of cookies. Now, many of these need to be delivered to the people who ordered them, but we get to open our order right now. My favorite? Trefoils and a huge glass of milk. You know what they say - when a door closes, a window opens. I am not sure who "they" are or whether that cliche applies, but I am eating Trefoils and a great big glass of milk - so who really cares? Now, if I was watching the Biggest Loser instead of American Idol my night would be complete.


Unknown said...

Really give'n it to God this year aren't you?

Are you a convert? No worth their salt Catholic would give up Oreo's and then eat a box fun of Girl Scout cookies.

Clearly you are not going to heaven.


OH they look soooo good. They could be your own little recovery food secret. Just woof down a couple with a glass of chocolate mile after your 5 hour run.