Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Think I Have A Plan

And here it is. Sunday: Get bike off trainer. Put on "outside" tire, but leave trainer skewer in (just in case.) Shave legs.
Monday: Ride outside if I can stay between the raindrops. The weather folks haven't been real accurate lately, so let's hope they get this wrong, too. If rainy, ride inside. 
Rest of the week: Ride as much as possible, preferably outside. The following week is no good - in Florida for Spring Break. 

It's not much of a plan and I talk a good game. Let's see if that leg shaving thing provides any motivation.

1 comment:

NJ said...

Hey...good luck! Hope you get out as much as possible. Corbin does say though that her trainer rides prepare her mentally for races. I gotta believe there's something to it...or so I tell myself to justify indoor training when I just don't want to put on the layers to go outside - like a couple days ago when it wasn't freezing, but cold enough!