Saturday, March 14, 2009

What do 20 Third-Grade Girls, Conjunctivitis and 16.7 Miles Have in Common?

Nothing really. 

E had her birthday party yesterday after school. It turned out to be the perfect day. It was clear and sunny and warm (37 degrees - I know SD and HI, not warm - but it is for us.) The girls had a great time and there were no injuries or bickering, just screeching third-grade girls all in their matching uniform shirts, bombing down the tubing hill.

Giant chocolate chip cookies instead of cake around the gas bonfire. That is a big crowd. Thank goodness they are outside and no where near my house.

F riding up the tow-rope. (That is my big dumb foot, there.)

Bombing down the hill.

A couple of friends. 37 Degrees is too hot to wear a jacket.

During our run this morning MS was talking about what she was doing today and she said she was taking her kids to Circus Juventas. It's supposed to be pretty neat. I kept calling it Circus Conjunctivitis.

We did our long run this morning. It was a decent day. 29 at the start, but that just meant that all the snow that melted yesterday froze into slick, treacherous rinks this morning. It was a challenging run. MS was finishing her first week of tri training and LF was still feeling her Achille's. I had sore lower legs from the running I did earlier in the week. But we sucked it up and made it. 16.7 miles total. Our average pace was dead on, but if you look at our splits we had to work for it. Being the pacer, I kept the pace about 30 seconds fast in the middle because we had started the first couple of miles very slow. We had a surprisingly slow mile right at the end, too. 

A good Saturday so far. We have a cocktail party later. I need to catch a nap or I won't make it.

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