Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bottom of the list for a reason

On this morning's run, MS asked if I saw the last volunteer option for IMWI - "Sunscreen Applier." 

MS's thoughts on that job: "No way! Someone in that crowd will have 'the hiv' and I don't want any of that. Can I have some rubber gloves please?" 

I almost peed myself - "the hiv" (HIV - not in itself funny, but funny in the context of our conversation.) 

Needless to say none of us planning to volunteer is a real 'touchy-feely' person - not huggers, not kissers, not ass-patters and definitely not sunscreen appliers. I am good with going through your plastic gear bag and tossing your $5,000 bike on a pile of others. We are going to have so much fun!


D said...

Ya cuz handling the pee covered bikes is much better than touching someone's face and arms with sunscreen (using gloves, by the way). You might wanna re-think the plans.

Maggs said...

I don't know, I'd do the bike handling. You don't have to hold it by the seat. But you still might want gloves.

NJ said...

YUCK! I never would have thought of the golden shower issue in handling the bike. Definitely have in the wetsuit stripping department though!

Why do you think I picked body marking for the Lifetime Tri? There really isn't any digust elements involved, plus, once I'm done, I can watch the rest of the race. (if anyone can find anything disgusting in body marking, please don't let me in on the "secret" until after July 11th!)

t-odd said...

Body marking was already filled or we would have been all over that business. I will just imagine that any liquids on any bikes are just "sports drinks" - happy place, happy place.

Lisa T said...

Take if from a massage therapist- the sunscreen wouldn't really be all that bad. At least you don't have to touch their feet....

Charisa said...

Being a stripper could be fun!

t-odd said...

Stripper - although it sounds fun it's a lot of work. And I am not a fan of being stripped (although Charisa probably prefers to be stripped vs. struggling to get her wetsuit off to the joy of the crowd.)

Whitney said...

To whomever holds out the jars of Vaseline: PLEASE do not allow any double dipping. Thank you.