Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Art and Caring

The Friday after Thanksgiving we went to the Walker Art Center with the kids. They had some cool exhibitions that I thought the kids could understand and enjoy and that I really wanted to see. For those of you not familiar, the Walker is the more modern and contemporary of the major art museums in Minneapolis. It has this great sculpture garden that is fun to run around in.

Here is some of the stuff we saw in the sculpture garden.

(A is trying to explain something, I am trying to imagine myself somewhere.)

My family. And me.

(There has been a lot of sex had in that spoon - just so you know. Not ever by me you sickos.)

They also have a small conservatory with a big Frank Gehry glass fish. I also liked the hibiscus.

Walking back to the car E comes running up to me asking for money. I turn back to her and say in my typically irritated tone of voice, "What do you need money for, now?" She lowered her head and in her soft voice said, "There is a sleeping bag back there tucked under the bushes. Mom says that it belongs to a homeless person and I want to leave him a surprise to make him feel better."

For a kid who is constantly bugging for a mobile phone, an iPod touch and Ugg boots I was surprised she would take the chance to ask me - Mr. No! - for money after all the hell I give her. She knew this was important though. I realized I constantly underestimate my kids' abilities to be compassionate and empathetic. I also realized that I underestimate A and my abilities to raise wonderful, caring kids. At this point in our lives we seem to be doing a pretty good job. (I hope that doesn't sound self-congratulatory, it certainly wasn't meant to.)

I gave her the $23 dollars I had in my pocket and she went running back to the bushes. "Just make sure there's no one in that sleeping bag before you put your hand in there!" Hey, I'm overly cautious as well. What can I say?


IAN said...

How's your foot taste? Gotta love kids, just when you think you have them pinned... But $23, that dude is stoked and hopefully not hammered.

Molly said...

Wow! Big spender :) Gotta love when they surprise you with stuff like that.

t-odd said...

Hey, when you are shamed by your nine year old daughter, you pay up big time. $23 bought me a somewhat cleaner conscience - money well spent.

Charisa said...

Your kids are awesome. super cool! And I love those pics!!

burt c said...

Nice photos! (Well, except for the cherry growing out of your head).

Teresa said...

Looks like a giant playground if you ask me. Forget s*x, you could do some major jumps of some of that "art". Cool stuff!

And that $23 made everyone happy...your daughter, the homeless, you and all your blog readers. Dollars well spent.

Happy holidays.

JC said...

Those pics are great - some framers for sure! Super nice kids you should be proud!

ADC said...

Oh that is amazing.

Beth said...

How awesome. You did raise good kids!! :) Love the pictures too. And by the way, either your family is really short or you are really tall. :)